Monday, January 7, 2013

Creating a new blog.

The first assignment that I got from my only non-music class was to create a blog, and post two posts. I thought it would not be difficult, because I read posts on Korean blogs everyday about various things like food recipes, music, fashion and etc., and also I used have a blog a couple years ago. As I expected, creating a blog was not difficult at all. I only had to create a title and an address, and select a template. However, when it came down to writing a post, it was much more difficult than I thought it would be. I did not realize that writing a post is much harder than reading one (considering I have to write a well written post for my class). I did not think how I have only read posts, and posted things that were unprofessionally written. I could not figure out how to start this post, but when I thought about Facebook, all of a sudden blogging did not seem so strange. Blogging is very similar to Facebook. You can post anything that you want to share with your friends, and there are not strict rules. The only differences are that you can post more variety things on blogs. It could be less personal, and people do not judge as much as they do on Facebook. If the purpose of having a Facebook is socializing, then having a blog is to share information or thoughts with people whom you may or may not know (of course it can be completely private). It is a familiar system that can be used in English class, and also a very convenient source to share my writings with my classmates and my professor anytime and anywhere.

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